sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

The mixture makes the animal Die Mischung macht das Tier


       An upload showing a giant cat that is said to be the result of a cross between a lion and a tiger or a liger (lion tiger) that is widely talked about on social media. This happened after Kody Antle uploaded her intimacy with Odin, her pet liger who was 6 years old.

   If examined more deeply, this crossing is considered to violate the nature of nature. The natural habitat of tigers is in Asia, while the natural habitat of lions is in Africa. So certainly there is nothing natural about the existence of a liger.

    "Marriage between lions and tigers will not occur in the wild," said Susan Bass, director of public relations for Big Cat Rescue, the organization for saving the world's big cats as reported by The Dodo.

    "Unfortunately, that happens when big cats caught from different species are kept together because irresponsible breeders and exhibitors know that people will pay more to see this unusual rare exotic cat," he explained.

     Bass assessed, because interbreeding is contrary to nature. Besides because many will be brought on display at the show because of their uncommon physique, there are many other things that lurk their safety too.
Tiger mothers who are forced to contain liger often experience life-threatening difficulties due to giving birth whose size does not match their bodies. So it's not surprising that there are only around 30 animals like him in the world, although the estimates vary.

     Not only that, liger often suffer from birth defects and other health problems. The Liger, if they survived their early childhood, could grow almost twice as big as one of their parents.

      Because they become very large, their organs cannot take it and their hearts can give because of their small body size.

      "Breeding cats is a matter of money," Bass said. "The well-being and health of children do not fit in. The recent birth of a liger child at a zoo in Russia is a perfect example of that." Bass explained again.

     Ligers are not the only example of big cats that are forced to breed unnaturally to make money for their owners. White tiger is also not a natural species, but the result of blood mating.

      Bass added that one way to defend tigers and lions that can be forced to breed nature is by never paying to see.

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